The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

My life since graduating has been fulfilling professionally, enlightening personally and rewarding. Raising a son as a single parent and making career contributions to protecting 55,000 acres of pristine land thus creating 22 new state parks and managing a 10,000 mile statewide snowmobile system have kept my humbled and energized. My time at Behrend and back home to State College and the Main Campus provided the learning experiences that would help me and New York State residents and our Parks to become more meaningful and enjoyable. Visit New York and experience all the diversity and wonders of our state parks and trail facilities. A lasting memory will be of the closeness gain from being part of the first semi-coed dorm living environment at Behrend. We were thought to be separated by locked janitorial closet doors, but..... Being part of the Perry Hall living experience in 1968,69 & 70, taught us all how we could live and study together respectfully.